Why do Sikhs grow their hair?
“Why do you grow your hair BUT cut your nails”?? 👳♂️ 💅 🧐
I’ve received a few comments on my video where the bibian from @sharecharityuk talked about their experiences growing up and living in sabat suhrat
When people ask “if you keep your natural form why don’t you grow your nails as well”? or “the hair and nails are dead and so it makes no difference if you cut them”?, I don’t know if they are genuinely asking or if they are proselytizing (trying to convert someone from a religion to another through creating doubt).
Their argument that hair is dead and serves no function (just like the nails). This statement is fallacious.
Sikhs throughout our history have given their lives for the honour of maintaining their religion and identity/long hair. Long hair forms part of the Sikh identity akin to a soldier in uniform. The uniform is a reminder of one’s duty to high moral conduct and selflessness.
From a Sikhi perspective hair isn’t DEAD; it will aid you in your journey as you progress through the spiritual stages:
gurmukh rom rom har dhiaavai ||
The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord with every hair of his body.
From a medical perspective hair isn’t DEAD:
Hair is a living part of the human body, composed of keratinized cells originating from hair follicles embedded in the skin’s dermal layer. While the visible hair shaft is non-living, the follicle and its surrounding structures are alive.
Cutting hair does not adversely affect the follicle’s growth cycle, but allowing it to grow long helps to maintain hair health. Longer healthier hair can protect the skin and reduce the risk of diseases such as skin cancer (Gallagher et al., 2013).